1) Regulatory Affairs & Professional Affairs
Chair : Amber Briggs, PharmD, BCPS, FASCP
These members will keep the SIG members informed about new and existing APhA policy that impact Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction. They will also take lead within the SIG when changes or new policy need to be addressed within the APhA House of Delegates.
Amber Briggs, Pierre DelPrato, Michael Moné, Bruce Wearda, Katherine (Kathy) Karas, Carol VanHorn,
Amy K. Kennedy, Allan Malek
2) Provider Status
Chair : Abimbola Farinde, PharmD, MS, CGP, FASCP, FACA
These members will keep the SIG members informed about APhA efforts to seek provider status for pharmacists' clinical services that impact and/or relate to those directly involved in the field of Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction.
Abimbola Farinde, Michael Hogue, William (Ray) Lees, Carol VanHorn
3) Education - Academia Representatives
Chair: EdwardM. DeSimone II, RPh, PhD, FAPhA
These members will keep the SIG members informed about programs and policies at their Schools of Pharmacy that involve Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction.
James Alexander, Edward DeSimone, Michael Disco, Brian Fingerson,William (Ray) Lees, Allan Malek, Rocio Olmedo, John Ridgway, Jennifer Tilleman, Bree Watzak
4) Pain & Palliative Care Resources
Chair: James B. Ray, PharmD, CPE
These members will keep the SIG members informed about updates and educational opportunity that involve Pain & Palliative Care
James B. Ray, Phyllis Grauer, Kamala Nola
5) Pharmacists Recovery Network Resources
Chair: Charlie Broussard, BSPharm, MEd, FAPhA
These members will keep the SIG members informed about updates and educational opportunity that involve Addiction
Charlie Broussard, Brian Fingerson, Jake Nichols, James Alexander