This was written about Michael when he was nominated for the APhA Gloria Niemeyer Francke Leadership Mentor Award.
"I met Michael when he first attended the APhA-sponsored Pharmacy Section, of the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and other Drug Dependencies in 1996. I soon realized after meeting and observing his “modus oporondi” that he is a dedicated mentor of pharmacists and student pharmacists, and he does this by example with the mentee being the center of his attention. It is all about them, not him. Michael was instrumental in spearheading the funding for the APhA, Ron L. Williams Memorial Fund that supports student education on Substance Use Disorders. In June 2015, at the Inaugural meeting of the APhA Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies at the University of Utah, I observed him turn his well received presentation titled: “Contemporary Pharmacy Issues in Addiction Recovery and Treatment” into an attendee discussion and role play participation about proper “Mentoring Techniques” of pharmacists and student pharmacists in recovery from Substance Use Disorders. A teaching moment became a mentoring moment.
Personally, Michael played a pivotal role in walking me through the process of getting the APhA-APPM: Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction Special Interest Group established, and served as it’s Regulatory & Professional Affairs Committee Chair.
In the past couple of years he has been working with Cardinal Health and the Ohio State University – Generation Rx program to make it available nationally through APhA-ASP. This programs goal is the elevation of understanding of medication safety issues, particular the dangers of abusing prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Michael’s contributions as a mentor within APhA are exemplary, and for student pharmacist this is seen as he serves as a mentor to their Parliamentarian for the APhA-ASP, House for Delegates at the annual meeting."