#8 Charlie Broussard

Version 3

From 1995 - 2002, Charlie served as Secretary to Ohio's Pharmacist Rehabilitation Organization. In June of 2003 he was appointed by the American Pharmacists Association in Washington, DC to serve on  the Advisory Council and Summer School Faculty of the University of Utah – School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies in Salt Lake City, ( Now the APhA - Institute on S.U.D.) a position he still holds. Currently he is the editor of this recovery website for Pharmacist: www.USAPRN.org.

In 2011 he was the recipient of the University of Utah – School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies in Salt Lake City, Swinyard Award which recognizes outstanding service to the field of substance abuse education, treatment and prevention. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Cardinal Health Generation Rx Champions Award for excellence in community-based prescription drug abuse prevention from the Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA). In 2018, he received the national Generation Rx - Award of Excellence from the American Pharmacists Association.