Marcus Cook
Marcus, served on the Advisory Councilor the Pharmacy Section of The University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies, 1996 - 1997.
Marcus Cook, Pharm.D. worked for the Veterans Affair Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. Aside from his Pharm. D., Marcus also had his M.B.A. and was a certified Addictions Counselor. He was founder and director of the Idaho Recovery Assistance Program for Pharmacy. He was also advisory member and co-founder of both the Northwest and Southeastern Pharmacist Recovery Networks. Because of his extensive knowledge concerning addiction, Marcus had lectured at numerous sites across the country on topics in the areas of substance abuse, chemical dependency, codependency, The Pharmacist Recovery Network, dual disorders, psychiatric pharmacy, and depression. Marcus Cook was extremely motivated with respect to educating the public of the hazards of drug and substance abuse. His other responsibilities included: conducting the Inpatient Tardive Dyskinesia Group and Outpatient Tardive Dyskinesia Clinic, conducting ongoing haloperidol, lithium, and fluoxetine Drug Utilization Evaluations. The services that he provided were priceless to the impaired. He will be missed.