New Hampshire

PRN organization information as of 8/2009:

New Hampshire PharmAssist Foundation
P.O. Box 1532, Manchester, N.H.    03105

Phone #:(603) 498-4135 


Contact Person for PharmAssist: Joe Kilcullen LADC             

Phone # for PharmAssist: 1-800-333-5362


This 501(c)(3) (Tax Exempt) organization has a 5 member (non-paid) board of directors.  It is free standing/separate from the Pharmacy State Board and the State Pharmacy Professional Organizations. It does utilize substance abuse professionals with credentials. It has enabling legislation that says the Board of Pharmacy can use money collected as fees, to pay for the impairment program. The organization has a very successful CE program every spring.

What about funding? The organization does not charge client fees. It does receive funding through license renewal fees: $3/license.