#14 Carol S. Dunham


Upon her passing on February 10, 2020, Bruce Clayton wrote this, remembering Carol’s commitment to the Pharmacists Recovery Network in Indiana.

"I worked with Carol for almost 30 years with the Indiana Pharmacists Association and would like to share a little background about Carol that many do not know because of the confidentiality entailed in this responsibility. As the Butler University College of Pharmacy liaison to the Pharmacists Recovery Network (PRN) for 9 years, I really want to commend Carol for her administrative expertise and desire to “make the program available” and successful for many years for pharmacists in the state! Her dedication and commitment to the principles and the functioning of the program have been outstanding! Her extreme dedication to the program, non-judgmental encouragement and “morale boosts” that she gave to the clients in the program have helped many pharmacists successfully navigate their recovery program and go on to lead full, productive lives!

Carol was an Alum to the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies.